Carpal Tunnel

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is one of the most common causes of wrist pain. It can affect anyone at any age, with a slightly higher frequency seen in females and those over the age of 30. The risk of developing is increased for those with previous wrist injuries, inflammatory conditions or […]

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Lymphoedema Management

Lymphoedema Massage and Garments

What is Lymphoedema? Lymphoedema is a chronic condition. It causes swelling from excessive amounts of fluid in the body. While it usually affects the arms or legs, it may also involve the trunk, breast, head and neck, or genital area. The lymphatic system comprises a network of lymph nodes and vessels that transport fluid (lymph) […]

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Medial Ankle Impingement Syndrome

Boney Stress Injuries

What can cause Boney Stress? Boney stress can be caused by a sudden increase in physical load such as beginning a new running program, sport or activity resulting in an overload/overuse injury. One type of overuse condition that is seen in physiotherapy clinics is bone overuse injuries. Two common types are:  Stress reaction: With a […]

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Rotator Cuff Tears

What is the rotator cuff?  The rotator cuff refers to a group of 4 shoulder muscles that all play an important role in the movement of the shoulder. It acts as stability of the shoulder joint itself when the arm is in an elevated position. Since the rotator cuff has such an important role in shoulder function, it […]

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Strength training

What is Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI)?

What is Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI)? Hip pain is widespread across all age groups throughout life, whether an elite athlete or someone in the general population. Many conditions may cause hip pain, such as femoroacetabular impingement (also known as FAI for short).  What is it? This is a condition where the ball and socket part of […]

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ACL Ruptures

ACL ruptures have gained significant media attention of late due to the amount of time missed in sport, particularly among elite AFL, soccer and rugby players. This blog will explore what an ACL is, how it is important for knee stability as well as explore the surgical and physiotherapy treatments for them. What is an […]

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What you can do for Hip Pain

Are you experiencing hip pain? Is it located on the outside of your hip? Is there pain when lying on that side? Or do you experience pain when standing on one leg? You may be experiencing greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS). GTPS is the umbrella term to describe pain on the outside of the hip. This […]

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Hydrotherapy- How it could help you turn the corner in your rehab

Rehabilitation from injuries can be a long-term process. For certain conditions, factors such as pain, strength, range of motion, reduced aerobic fitness and other medical conditions can hinder your progressions in rehab with your physiotherapist.  If this situation sounds similar for you, then you may be an ideal candidate for trying hydrotherapy! What is Hydrotherapy? […]

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