Shoulder Impingement

In this video, Michael Tricarico from Hoppers Physiotherapy explains the areas of Shoulder Impingement that can cause pain surrounding the shoulder area. If you are experiencing shoulder pain, contact our clinic at  (03) 9749 5110 or book an appointment online  

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Achilles Tendinosis Hoppers Physio

Achilles Tendinosis

The Achilles tendon is the main tendon around the back of the ankle that is involved in propulsion. Giving us the power to walk, jump and run. With different training loads, the tendon can be exposed to unusual forces resulting in a condition called Achilles tendinosis. Michael Tricarico, our Senior Partner / APA Titled Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, explains a little more about Achilles Tendinosis s in this short video. What is Achilles Tendinosis? This is characterised not only by inflammation but…

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lumbar disc pain hoppers physio

Lumbar Disc Pathology

The lumbar disc acts as a shock absorber in our lower back and as a result, is subject to trauma. 80% of us at some point in our life will suffer from low back pain. When the lumbar disc is implicated, it often bulges and pushes on nerves which elicits pain and disability. Disc injury can be categorised according to its severity by the following terminology: Bulge - A mild distortion of the disc without disruption Protrusion - A moderate…

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Cervicogenic Headache hoppers crossing physio

What is Cervicogenic Headache?

Cervicogenic Headache is a secondary headache that occurs due to musculoskeletal or neurological dysfunction in the neck. Michael Tricarico our Senior Partner / APA Titled Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist explains a little more about Cervicogenic Headaches in this short video Its main source of referred headache is thought to be an irritation in the upper neck structures as they share the nerves that relay pain signals up to the head. It could be caused by a traumatic incident, arthritis, nerve irritation on…

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Ergonomic desk

The Optimal Ergonomic Workstation

With an increase in the amount of time we are now spending in front of the screens, there is also an increase in the number of aches and pains that are surfacing on a day-to-day basis. Workstations are becoming a large part of where we are spending time each week, so it is important to have the optimal ergonomic desk to help reduce strain on joints. This advice does not replace the need to step away from the desk and…

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Pelvic floor physio exercises

How a pelvic floor physiotherapist can help

Incontinence, or the loss of bladder or bowel control, is a common problem that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be a source of embarrassment and can greatly impact a person's quality of life. One of the main causes of incontinence is a weak pelvic floor. This can affect both men and women throughout their lives, more commonly after childbirth or menopause for females. For males, it often happens in later life and can occur alongside prostate issues.  What…

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ViMove Technology

In this video, Michael Tricarico from Hoppers Physiotherapy discusses ViMove Technology and how it can help assess whether an athlete can return to the sport safely. The ViMove sensors can also be used for real-time feedback and training in order to assist in rehabilitation and measurement efforts. If you experienced an injury and would like treatment to get back to the activities that you enjoy, please contact our clinic on (03) 9749 5110 or book an appointment online

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Stiff Neck? It's likely Wry Neck

Stiff Neck? Its likely Wry Neck

Have you ever experienced neck pain after a quick movement to your neck or woken up with a stiff neck? This could be a condition called Wry Neck. What is Wry Neck? Wry neck occurs when the joints on one side of your neck become stiff. This may result in pain, movement restriction or stiffness on one side, making it difficult to turn your head to do daily tasks such as computer work, driving or looking down at your phone…

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Ankle sprain

Lateral Ankle Sprain

Ankle sprain - is one of the most common injuries that occur in sports. They are most prevalent in fast-change-of-direction sports such as footy, basketball and netball. These injuries most commonly occur when changing direction, landing from jumps, or even landing on an opponent's foot.   What are the ankle ligaments?  Ligaments are strong bands of connective tissue that connect bone to bone. Ligaments help support the ankle and provide stability during everyday tasks such as walking and running. The…

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Carpal Tunnel

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is one of the most common causes of wrist pain. It can affect anyone at any age, with a slightly higher frequency seen in females and those over the age of 30. The risk of developing is increased for those with previous wrist injuries, inflammatory conditions or those who work or perform activities involving repeated movements at the wrist joint. These include typing, gripping tools, computer work or repetitive lifting. What are…

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