
Benefits of Hydrotherapy 

What is hydrotherapy? Hydrotherapy is a growingly popular rehabilitation tool for people who want to get on top of their injuries and health conditions or to increase their cardiovascular fitness. This is done through exercising in a heated pool. The warmth and bounciness of the water will relax the muscles and take pressure off the joints. This allows those who may struggle with land-based exercises to get much more rehabilitation and exercises completed without aggravating pain. The water level is…

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Sciatica pain treatment hoppers crossing physio


 What is Sciatica? Sciatica is a condition that involves compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve, hence its name. This leads to sharp, aching or burning pains in the lower back that can travel down the back of the thigh and even past the knee following the path of the sciatic nerve. You may also experience neurological symptoms such as muscle weakness, numbness and other altered sensations. Research shows an incidence of 10-40% of the population will experience sciatica at…

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ACL Ruptures

ACL ruptures have gained significant media attention of late due to the amount of time missed in sport, particularly among elite AFL, soccer and rugby players. This blog will explore what an ACL is, how it is important for knee stability as well as explore the surgical and physiotherapy treatments for them. What is an ACL? The knee joint does not have a large range of motion but instead possesses a high amount of stability to keep the joint together.…

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Pregnancy Pool Exercise Class

Watermums is back! Watermums is a fantastic way for pregnant ladies to maintain or improve general fitness, reduce stress on the pelvis and pelvic floor, improve flexibility, reduce swelling in the lower legs, and improve mood due to the endorphin release and catching up with other pregnant ladies. Our classes have been popular for over 15-years for the local community. We are just so excited to be back in the water with our mums.  Call the clinic for more information!…

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Hydrotherapy- How it could help you turn the corner in your rehab

Rehabilitation from injuries can be a long-term process. For certain conditions, factors such as pain, strength, range of motion, reduced aerobic fitness and other medical conditions can hinder your progressions in rehab with your physiotherapist.  If this situation sounds similar for you, then you may be an ideal candidate for trying hydrotherapy! What is Hydrotherapy? Hydrotherapy is basically a water-based therapeutic exercise program that is conducted under the supervision of a physiotherapist. The physiology and physics behind hydrotherapy can offer…

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